UPDATE: The L'egere dries out my skin and clogs my pores, and the Beautymaker concealer makes my old pimples re-appear! (What?!) I'm finding that any products with the words "BB" in it, is probably going to break me out. Consequently, I'm not using either of these products now. :)
Helloooooo, Blogger World! On Friday, I completed my whopping
5 hour exam! Right after, I felt super-giddy because of all the excess adrenaline haha! Wee. I hope I did alright... the funniest thing is, I ran into an old friend who happens to work in the exam building!!! *WEIRD* Apparently, she sorts socks for an online Japanese sock company... o_O *SUPER WEIRD!!!!*... but the socks were cute. Anyway! On to the reviews.
L'egere White Multi BB Cream
First Impressions: This felt a little thicker on my skin than I had anticipated. The coverage is medium, with redness covered but darker blemishes not. It is buildable, but it will look cake-y if you put on too much. Almost immediately after applying, my skin looks brightened and fresh.
Application: Definitely need to hydrate the skin before applying. I take a little bit of product onto my foundation brush (there's no difference when applied with fingers, it's just easier for me with a brush), dab onto the skin and blend.