Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 ~
Today, I'll be showing you the Paul & Joe Face Color and Lipstick Set from Holiday 2008!! I didn't really like the PJ holiday things from this year - the purple is just a bit tooooo purple. (I would've preferred lavender, hehe.)

I'm sure you're all familiar with this set, but I took a lot of photos anyway! ;P I got it in 002, the orange one. It comes a Face Color in M 002, lipstick in G 002, and a fantastically cute kitty-print cosmetics pouch.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009 ~
I was shopping for groceries this weekend and spotted these limited edition 7-packs of My Beauty Diary Masks! Isn't it cute? It's only $9.99, for 7 of their best-selling varieties. I think the regular 10-pack is selling for about $15 at my local store... So, this is definitely a good deal. I recommend picking this up if you've never tried MBD masks before (me!).